
Love and Blessings!

Meet Tammy Day

Tammy Day was born and raised on the Colville Indian reservation in the small town of Inchelium Washington. She is an enrolled tribal member of the Arrow Lakes Sinixt clan of the Colville Confederated Tribes. 

Her love of music and singing started at a very young age with her mother, who would always turn on the radio instead of the television every morning. Tammy would sing and dance whenever given the chance. She especially loved commercials, Shirley Temple Movies and musicals of all kinds. Although she sang most of her young life in the privacy of her home and her Mother's car; eventually she was introduced to karaoke. That's where her musical story begins.

"One evening while at karaoke in Colville Washington I was approached by non other than BO Hoss and his lovely bride Cindy Lou... Both great musical artists and producers in their own right. The tall cowboy  inquired if I had ever been recorded before and I replied no. They said that I had a unique sound and that they  would like to record me. Information was exchanged and although I was skeptical, it took the urging of my amazing friend Denny Campbell to prod me forward. He was a great friend of the couple and convinced me to take a chance not only on them, but myself. "

Turned out Bo Hoss, Cindy Lou and Tammy Day were a match made in musical heaven! 

Bo Hoss and Cindy Lou decided to make Tammy Day their protoge and she is now an artist with Bo Hoss Music. 

Thus far, she has recorded 5 cover albums, one orginal album as well as contributing to several album collaboratives with many other great indie artists and is played on several indie internet stations. Tammy has also been nominated for 5 awards for the 2024 International singers and songwriters awards in Atlanta Georgia. Which she will be attending in August. 

Tammy has just finished her first Original country album called "Free Fall" and has hopes to share her music with the world via her wonderful and extremely talented mentors at Bo Hoss Music!